Have you noticed the lost art of canning making a comeback recently? Here are 8 reasons why canning is being revived! See if you want to join in, too!
8 Reasons Why Canning is Being Revived
These days Amazon is full of canning cookbooks and various canning supplies. This is no surprise since the lost art of canning seems to be making a huge comeback! Why? Well, there are several answers to this. Take a look below at 8 reasons why canning is being revived, and see if you want to try your hand at it, too!
8 Reasons the Lost Art of Canning is Being Revived
1. Canning saves you money.
The cost of food is always rising, but when you can your own food, you, no doubt, stretch your food budget. Canning saves you money since you are able to can and store your homegrown or homemade foods for months, helping you avoid last minute store runs and grocery store stock ups!
2. Canning promotes self sufficiency.
There is no greater feeling than knowing you are self sufficient and can provide your own food. When you can your own food, you are being self sufficient and eliminating the need for a third party to provide food for you.
3. Canning helps preserve your summer harvest.
You worked so hard on your garden, why not enjoy it for months to come? Canning allows you to stretch out that summer harvest through salsas, sauces, jams, and so much more. You can enjoy the flavors of summer well into winter.
4. When you can, you know exactly what is in your food.
Donโt you hate not knowing what's in your food? When you can your own food, you know exactly what ingredients are in it. This can be especially helpful if there are any food allergies or sensitivities in your house.
5. Canning allows you to explore various flavors.
There are so many canning recipes on the internet so now is a great time to explore flavors! Try mixing up some of your favorite foods to create sauces and jams perfect for enjoying later. Canning allows you to get creative with food, which is always fun.
6. Canning is great for the environment.
When you can, you are using up all of your food, food scraps, and even reusing the glass jars. You produce very little waste when canning, which is why canning your own food is so fantastic for the environment.
7. Canning allows you to prepare for the unseen.
When you keep canned foods on hand you are able to prepare for the unseen. Should you hit any sort of financial trouble in the future, it's wonderful to know you have food on hand if you need it. It's also wonderful to be able to help others with your canned goods.
8. It's a "like-new" hobby.
Because it's a lost art, most people haven't been practicing canning for some time now, opting to just buy canned goods at the grocery store. So even though canning is actually a very old preservation technique, it's kind of new and exciting to learn and try since most don't know how to do it anymore!
There are so many reasons that the lost art of canning is making a comeback. Consider these reasons and see if canning is something you want to know more about!
Did you like these 8 Reasons Why Canning is Being Revived? Find more on my In the Kitchen and Frugal Living boards on Pinterest!
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