She's here!
Well, actually she's been here for about 3 months. But with our family hunkering down because of the coronavirus, all the craziness that THAT has entailed, as well as just adapting to a new baby, well...
Let's just say this is LONG over due, but better late than never!
Clara is our rainbow baby after 5 consecutive losses (big sister, Fiona is actually also a rainbow baby, as we had a loss before her, as well.) For more on that story, you can check out our pregnancy and gender reveal here.

The Birth Story
I went in to the doctor for a normal appointment, where they took my blood pressure, as always. This time it came back high. So after taking it 3 more times and telling me to "just relax" (thanks, that helped), they decided they were going to send me to Labor & Delivery triage for monitoring.
My doctor's office is actually right in the hospital, so on my way to L&D, I'm trying to call my husband, John, to let him know what's going on so that he can come to the hospital with me until we had the final verdict on what was going. And I'm calling my dad to let him know he might be in charge of the getting the kids from school.
An early baby puts a wrench in ALL the gears. We were NOT ready.
But ready or not, the doctor decided it was baby time.
I will admit to being really disappointed that I was being induced. I really didn't want to be. My natural births were so much smoother. So I was just really nervous and anxious about an induction, necessary or not.
When the doctor said it was go-time, John ran home to grab my hospital bag. Thankfully, I had it packed already!
I hadn't eaten since dinner the night before since I was late running out the door, and now I wasn't allowed to eat until after I delivered, per the hospital's rules! Eeek! So I was STARVING, and John wanted to sneak some food on his way back, but decided to sneak us both some granola bars instead. They were MUCH needed.
It took about an hour, but finally my IV was in, the pitocin was going, and my water was broken.
I was in labor for 7 hours before I got ANOTHER failed epidural (I really was hoping I would get one that worked this time. But I should have known that was just wishful thinking with so many failed already...)
Another 45 minutes of labor and just a few minutes of pushing, and baby Clara was here!
Clara Evelyn was born at 8:08pm weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces and 20 inches long.
For cuteness OVERLOAD, you can check out her birth video:
She was NOT a cryer, and I kept asking if she was okay because she wasn't crying. But she's fine. More than fine. Perfect, actually.
After 5 losses and 2 years of infertility treatments, we finally got to hold our rainbow.
Meet our sweet rainbow girl, Clara. We are so in love.

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Elizabeth Vaughn says
OMG!! What a doll baby!! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you. My daughter will be having her rainbow babies sometime between the middle of July and end of September. Twin boys!! We were told when she was 14 that she may never be able to have kids due to PCOS and endometriosis. She had a miscarriage a few years ago. She called me back in February to tell me was pregnant. I was ecstatic. Well, she went to the ER for strep throat (her doctor was out of town). The ER doc wanted to do an ultrasound to ensure the baby had enough fluid due to her being dehydrated. Doc said baby A looks good and baby B looks good. Needless to say she was shocked!! As was I. We will be welcoming Daniel and Dominic anytime between the middle of July and end of September. They don’t think she’s gonna make it full term. Again, congratulations and God Bless you!!!
Michelle says
Wow! What an amazing story! Congratulations to you and your family on those sweet miracles.
SusanDR says
Congratulations! She is beautiful (as is your entire family). What a great way to bring a smile today. Wishing you all the best. Thanks for sharing.
Michelle says
Thank you so much! Yes, she has definitely been a light in this trying time.
Natalie says
Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl! Many blessings to you!
Michelle says
Thank you so much!
Mary Ann Frasher says
Congratulations to all of you. Such a beautiful baby - such a beautiful family. Many blessings to all of you.
Michelle says
Thank you so much!
J Jo says
As a woman in a family of 3 sisters, and 1 brother, each with 2 wonderful children, I was denied this most awesome of gifts from God. So, reading your generous account of Miss Clara's family history, and of her early entry into your arms, I can only PRAISE GOD for her perfect tiny self placed in your family's care. I ask her Divine Father in Heaven that she be granted a long and healthy life, filled with the amazing discoveries that only a child, as well as adult, can.
This is the greatest of emails to your subscribers who feel close enough to you to call ourselves your friends! May God bless each of you and those you love. : )
Michelle says
Thank you so so much for your kind words. They mean so much to me and our family.
joyce R says
Michelle, congratulations on your new blessing and sweet bundle of joy! She is a beauty!!
Sounds like you had a really good team of medical staff working with you. (I had high blood pressure with our first and was on bed rest for 6 weeks.)
I also want to say that I SO enjoy your recipes... I always know that whenever I use one of your recipes, it will be a winner the first time we try it!
May God bless you and your precious family.
Michelle says
Thank you so much! You have no idea how much it means to hear that! <3
Linda McConnell says
She's adorable! My son and his wife just had their first as well, aren't baby's everything! They just make the world right, ya know!
Congratulations to you and your family, I see she has older siblings to keep busy! (haha)
Michelle says
Thank you so much! And congratulations to you and your family too!