Upcycled Old Rake to Rustic Utensil Holder - an easy DIY craft for home decor in the kitchen.
Upcycle: Old Rake Head to Rustic Utensil Holder
In 2012, we moved into an old farm house. I was in love with it but it needed a lot of updates (still does, but we're working on it!). The kitchen was very outdated with teal cabinets and old discolored wallpaper, so one of the first things we did was a kitchen face-lift. We painted our cabinets a deep chocolate brown with an aqua interior to match our wedding china, switched out the cabinet hardware to rubbed bronze to match our new sink fixture, and painted the walls a nice neutral to bring everything together.
When we were done, it looked much better, at least until we can allocate enough funds to revamp the whole thing. It needed some finishing touches though. One of the things that really bothered me was that the backsplash behind the counters didn't continue behind the stove. It just looked so bare. I decided I was going to make something to fill that space, and I came up with this rustic, decorative utensil holder, made from an old rake head that the previous owners left behind.
It was super easy too. Here's what I did.
First, we took the handle off the rake. It was really stubborn, so I had to enlist Mr. Gracious' help to get it off.
Then, we screwed the rake head onto a painted 1"x 6" board. We attached 2 picture hangers on the back of the board to be able to hang it when we were done. And we screwed two vintage-looking hooks on either side of the rake head for extra hanging room. Mr. Gracious helped me again with this bit because I really shouldn't be allowed power tools of any kind.
Then I painted some cheap wooden kitchen utensils with aqua spray paint to match our china and interior cabinets, and ordered some pretty aqua pot holders to finish it off.
We hung the board with the rake on the wall. I hung the kitchen utensils on the rake and the pot holders on the hooks. And voila! A pretty, new rustic utensil holder to complete our kitchen face-lift in our old farmhouse!
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lorraine williamson says
love this idea thanks for sharing have a great day I'm visiting from create link inspire
Katie @ Upcycled Treasures says
This is such a great idea and I love how you were able to put pot holders on there too! Thanks for Sharing at The Makers, pinned 🙂
Amanda says
This is wonderful! What a great way to add a little charm to the kitchen!
Cheri says
visiting from Round Tuit linky...great idea! I dont' have a wall in my kitchen to hang anything, but it gave me the idea...make this to hang either in the garage or outside...and hand mops, racks etc on it! I will see about giving that a try,...need something to get them up off the floor!
Sarah R. says
Very cute! It's so funny- years ago I bought one of these rakes to repurpose...but never got around to it. And now we use it as it was meant to be used- a rake!! So glad you linked up at Snickerdoodle Sunday- can't wait to see your latest makes this weekend!
Sarah (Sadie Seasongoods)
Carol says
What a great idea! I need to find an old rake. Featuring when my link party opens up tonight!
Kyla @HouseOfHipsters says
Such a fun idea! Thanks for sharing on Found & Foraged!
Anne Champ says
What a super cute way to add rustic charm to your home. This would go so great in so many types of homes. I bet you can find one of these in your garage!
Pam says
I love it! That is really adorable.
Michelle says
Thank you!
Mickey Zimmer says
Very clever
Jet says
I would like to see the finished product....???
Michelle says
There are 4 pictures of the finished product in this post above. I'm not sure what you're wanting to see