I'm excited to designate this week the Week of Christmas Cookies here at The Gracious Wife! This week will be chock-full of Christmas cookies recipes, every single day! So be sure to check back daily for updates! We'll include two recipes daily, plus two huge finale round-up posts on Saturday! Happy baking!
Flooding with Royal Icing & Fudge Butter Cookie Pinwheels
Classic Sugar Cookies
Raspberry Ganache Thumbprints Gingersnaps
Chocolate Cherry Shortbread German Chocolate Cookies
Peppermint Fudge Cookies Snickerdoodles
Caramel Cream Pinwheels Chocolate Cookies and Cream Cookies
Hot Cocoa Cookies Peanut Butter Chocolate Truffles
60 Best Christmas Cookies Recipes
Original title photo is attributed to Migle at flickr.com.