Quilting for Beginners teaches newbies how to quilt from the basics, start to finish. This 5 part series walks you through each step of quilt making.

Quilting for Beginners - 5 Part Series
Welcome to Quilting for Beginners! This easy-to-follow 5-part series will walk you through each step of the quilt making process, from choosing fabric to finishing and binding your quilt.
I just started quilting about three years ago, and it was difficult to piece together a bunch of tutorials from different sites to make one finished quilt. So I wanted to make it easier for other quilting newbies by sharing all the information I picked up in one place! Here! In this Quilting for Beginners series!
I would love for you to share your finished quilts on my Facebook page! And feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments section on any of the posts. I'm more than happy to answer!
Quilting for Beginners Supplies:
These are all of the supplies and brands I have, use, and recommend for sewing and quilting. You can get any of them by clicking on the links, and purchasing through Amazon.com
- Sewing Machine
- There are plenty of great sewing machines out there.
- Fabric - Craftsy.com has an entire section dedicated to beautiful fabric for quilting and other quilting supplies (Click HERE to shop fabric at Craftsy.com). Another of my favorite sites is Fabric.com.
- Sewing Machine Needles
- Make sure you have some good heavy duty sewing machine needles
because they'll be put to work piecing together your quilt top and quilting through multiple layers of fabric.
- Sewing Thread
- You'll need lots of thread. You can choose thread that matches your fabric and will blend in or thread that contrasts your fabric (but still fits with your quilt colors) to pop out.
- Pins
and Quilting Pins
- There will be so much pinning. Stock up! Also consider grabbing some large safety pins
or basting pins
- Batting
- Batting is what will make your quilt fluffy and cozy. If you're wanting a lighter quilt, you don't have to use any. It also comes in various widths so you can choose if you want extra fluffy, or maybe just a little bit of cozy.
- Rotary Cutting Set
- This is an incredibly useful and accurate way to cut quilt blocks, or any fabric really. It also works for paper and scrapbooking (but I have a separate cutter for that because I don't want to dull the blade for fabric)
- Large Self Healing Mat
- My rotary cutting set (the one above) came with a smaller mat, but I found I needed an upgrade to cut pieces like borders.
- Fabric Shears
- extra sharp scissors for trimming up fabric without fraying it or making it look like you chewed it off with your teeth.
- Quarter-Inch Presser Foot
- A quarter-inch presser foot is a wonderful attachment for your sewing machine that will help guide you to make the perfect quarter-inch seam. We'll learn more about the quarter-inch seam in Part 3.
- Basting Spray
- Basting spray is probably the easiest way to baste together your quilt, and it's inexpensive, too. We'll also be talking more about basting and using basting spray in Part 4.
Quilting for Beginners Series
Part 1: Planning and Buying Fabric for Quilts - Choosing and buying fabric with a tutorial and calculator to help you figure out how much you need.
Part 2: Washing and Cutting Quilt Blocks - Washing your fabric and cutting and ironing quilt blocks.
Part 3: Piecing Your Quilt Top - A tutorial on putting together and piecing your quilt top.
Part 4: Basting and Quilting your quilt - Put the front, back, and batting of your quilt together and actually quilt it.
Part 5: Binding Your Quilt - The Grande Finale! Finishing and binding your quilt
Did you like this Quilting for Beginners Series? Find more like it on my Sewing and DIY & Crafts boards on Pinterest!
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Photo Credit: DollarPhotoClub.com