Free Printable Gummy Bear Valentines that are easy to put together and perfect for kids to hand out at their school Valentine's Day party.
Printable Gummy Bear Valentines
As promised, here's the third set of free printable Valentines that I'll be sharing this year. I mentioned in my other printable Valentines that I let the kids choose their favorite treat and designed the Valentines using it. (The first two I shared were Gummy Worm Valentines and Ring Pop Valentines, if you want to check those out too. They're also totally free!) This last set is designed for gummy bears!
This Printable Gummy Bear Valentines set is the only one that I made in two different sizes, and here's why. When I was hunting Amazon, I found pre-packaged gummy bears that I thought would be perfect to bring to school. So my original design was the smaller set that fits on top of the little gummy bear packages. Then I thought, Hey! Not everyone is as religious about Amazon as you! Maybe they just want to grab a plain old bag of gummy bears at Wal-Mart! And then I made the second set that fits right on top of snack baggies, if you want to go that route.
So let's get to it. Directions for assembling your free Printable Gummy Bear Valentines are below, and directions for downloading the printables are at the very bottom of the post.
Printable Gummy Bear Valentines Directions
What You Need:
- Gummy Bears (HERE are the pre-packaged ones, or you can just grab a regular bag of gummy bears)
- Printable Gummy Bear Valentines download (below)
- Cardstock or white computer paper
- Scissors
- Snack baggies (If you're using a regular bag of gummy bears)
- Stapler and staples
1. Download and print your free Printable Gummy Bear Valentines (see bottom of post) onto white cardstock or computer paper. There are two different valentine designs for each size and 8 valentines per page for the small valentines and 2 per page for the large valentines.
2. Cut out Gummy Bear Valentines on the lines. Be sure NOT to cut on the center line for folding.
3. Fill out the "To" and "From" on each valentine, and fold it in half on the line.
4. If using a regular bag of gummy bears, fill desired number of snack baggies with gummy bears and seal bag.
5. Place a valentine on top of a gummy bear package or baggy so that package is between the 2 halves of the valentine. Staple the whole thing shut. Repeat for remaining valentines.
Have fun with your FREE Printable Gummy Bear Valentines!
You can get your Printable Gummy Bear Valentines FOR FREE by filling out the form below! Your Printable Gummy Bear Valentines will be sent to the email you provide. It will be in PDF format, so make sure you have a PDF reader on your device to view.
Please make sure you check your spam folder if you don’t see it! The email should be immediate, but sometimes we run into glitches. If you haven’t received your printable pack after an hour or 2, feel free to email me, and I will send it over to you.
These Printable Gummy Bear Valentines are copyrighted and for PERSONAL USE ONLY, not to be redistributed. Feel free to send your friends over to get their own copies, though!
Did you like these free Gummy Bear Valentines Printables? Find more on my Valentine's Day and DIY & Crafts boards on Pinterest!
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candice heaton says
These are super cute and easy. Thankyou for taking your time and making them!!
Nayely Madrigal says
Hi! Can you email me the link for the “ Hummy bear valentine” and the “ring pop valentine” thanks!
Ashley says
Can you email me the gummi bear printable.
Michelle says
I re-sent it.
Jean says
Hi There! Hoping you can send me the Gummy Bear Printables (smaller ones)! Thank you so much for your amazing work here. 🙂 Happy Early Valentine's Day!
Julie says
I love this idea and a friend and I would like to do it. Could you please send me the small pre-packaged gummy bear printable?
Julie says
Could you please send again, I did not receive anything.
Toni McCormick says
Can you please email the link for the I like you beary much for the gummy bears?
Michelle says
Just fill out the form above and they will be sent automatically! Let me know if you have any other problems 🙂
Jill says
Can you please send me the gummy bear printable for the prepackaged ones to [email protected]
Michelle says
Just fill out the form above and they will be sent automatically! Let me know if you have any other problems 🙂
michelle flores says
Can you email me the gummi bear printables please? [email protected] thank you!
Michelle says
Just fill out the form above and they will be sent automatically! Let me know if you have any other problems 🙂
Tammy says
I tried to fill out the link, but haven't gotten an email for the printables. PS - they're SOOO cute!!! Could you please email them for me? I'm looking for the smaller one.
Thanks so very much!
Michelle says
Hi Tammy! I just re-sent it! It should be coming from Michelle @ The Gracious Wife. Double check your spam folder and let me know if you got it! 🙂
Julie says
Cute idea!!
Caroline says
Hi! Can you email me the link for the “ Hummy bear valentine” and the “ring pop valentine” thanks!
Michelle says
Just fill out the form above and they will be sent automatically! Let me know if you have any other problems ?
Carrie farber says
Can you please email me the gummy bear Valentine’s Day link ? Thank you!!!
Michelle says
Hi Carrie! I just re-sent it! It should be coming from Michelle @ The Gracious Wife. Double check your spam folder and let me know if you got it! ?
Carolynn says
These printables are so cute! I used them for my daughter's valentines for daycare (she is 1-1/2, so I used individual packs of Teddy Grahams instead of gummies.) Thanks for sharing them!
cris courtney says
Hi ,,,I can you email me the "beary" printables?
Michelle says
Just fill out the form above and they will be sent automatically! Let me know if you have any other problems ?
Alicia says
Hi! Hoping you can send me the Gummy Bear Printables (smaller ones). I can’t seem to find the email (tried a few times). Such a cute idea! Happy Early Valentine’s Day and thank you so much!!
Michelle says
I re-sent them!
samantha bowker says
Can you please send the small package of gummy bear file to my email please?
[email protected]
I filled in my info but still haven't received anything.
Thank you
Michelle says
Sent them! Thanks!
Jamie says
I've filled in my information but still haven't received anything. Can you send the small package of gummy bear file to my email please? [email protected]
Thank you!!
Michelle says
Hi Jamie, I re-sent them!
Sejal Patel says
Thank you for creating the gummy bear printable. I look forward to printing it and using it for my son's class.
Jeannie Wynne says
Excited to make the "beary" valentines with my daughter. Thank you for creating them!!
Erica says
Hi thank you for the idea. I sent the request for the bear printable. Should it come automatically?
Michelle says
Maria renee says
Pleas send me printable ring pop an font bears @[email protected] tnks
Sue Verwey says
Please send me the bear Valentine’s Day card