Marriage can be hard. But with love, respect, and hard work, you can have a wonderful, happy marriage. Get started with these 8 Marriage Tips Every Wife Needs to Hear.
8 Marriage Tips Every Wife Needs to Hear
When you were a little girl you may have dreamed of your wedding day, and of your house with the picket white fence. You imagined being swept away by your handsome prince on a white stallion. Then you grow up and realize it was all just a fairy tale. The reality of real-life marriage may not be what you dreamed, but you can, as a wife, work to keep your marriage happy.
Here are 8 marriage tips every wife needs to hear.
1. You can’t change your husband: You may have justified some behavior in your man that you didn’t like when you were dating and engaged. You thought he would change when you got married, but in reality, he didn’t. Even though it may be discouraging to you, realize you loved him when you were dating, just the way he was. You can’t change anyone, it’s up to them!
2. Your husband deserves your respect: It may not feel like he always deserves your respect but he does. You want your husband to love you, no matter what, for better or for worse. And that's how your husband feels about wanting to be valued and respected. Everyone has arguments and disagreements, and sometimes it's hard to live with another human being. But it's important to remember that he is the man you vowed to spend your life with, and you need to show him respect.
3. Encourage your husband: Support and encourage your husband in his endeavors. It's a big, scary world out there, and it's an amazing feeling to know that you have someone on your side, even if things go bad or you make a wrong choice. And bonus! If you encourage your husband, he'll be more responsive to your ideas or need for your own help, support or encouragement.
4. Share household responsibilities: Talk to your husband to make a plan for who is going to do what and stick with it. Write on a chalkboard or dry erase board what you both are responsible for each day. Once it is written and decided work on your part and don’t bother him about when he is going to get things done. If he hasn’t done his part by the end of the week talk about it again and re-evaluate what needs to be done.
5. Don’t gossip with your friends about your husband: No matter how angry he makes you, don’t spread all of your personal business with your friends. It is only going to cause disharmony if you tell your friends everything he does wrong, and it is not respectful to him.
6. Make decisions together: Being married means being a team. Being a partnership. You both need to make important financial decisions together. You both need to set goals together. Making decisions together and working together as a cohesive unit is a vital part of building a life together.
7. Set aside time for each other: You don't need to get too fancy about setting up a huge romantic date night every week. Just make sure you set aside a special time to be together. Even if that means that you watch a show on Netflix, only while you're together (no binge watching by yourself!). Spending time together, no matter where you are or what you're doing will help strengthen your connection to each other. For some simple date night inspiration, check out these Frugal and Fun Date Night Ideas or these Winter Date Night Ideas.
8. Show your husband you love him every day: Show your husband you love him through your actions. It is easy to say you love him, but showing him how much you love and value him, is a different story. Work on it a little at a time, just putting his needs before your own. Before long it will be just a part of your every day, and he will know that he is the most important man in your life. You can get more ideas about How to Make Your Husband a Priority HERE.
Happy marriage is hard work but it is well worth the effort. Do your part to fulfill your important role in your husband’s life. Stay the woman of your husband's dreams by showing him that he's still the man of yours.
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Michelle Westbrook says
These tips ARE simple but we often forget to keep it simple. Thanks for the reminder 🙂
Michelle says
Definitely! Thanks for stopping by!